401(k) Calculator

Plan your retirement savings and maximize employer match


Projected Balance


At retirement age 65

Monthly Income


Based on 4% withdrawal rule

Income Replacement


Of current salary

Contribution Analysis

Your Contributions

Annual Contribution:$4,500.00
Total Contributions:$233,974.65

Employer Match

Annual Match:$4,500.00
Total Match:$233,974.65


Contribution Rate

Good job maximizing employer match

Investment Strategy

Consider aggressive growth funds for long-term growth

Catch-up Contributions

Plan for catch-up contributions when eligible

Retirement Income

On track for comfortable retirement income

Important Notes

Contribution Limits

2024 employee contribution limit: $23,000 (under 50)
Catch-up contribution: $7,500 (age 50+)

Tax Benefits

Contributions are pre-tax, reducing your taxable income
Growth is tax-deferred until withdrawal

Early Withdrawal

10% penalty on withdrawals before age 59½
Required minimum distributions start at 73